Tuition Cost & Fees
我们严格的教育和慷慨的经济援助的完美结合使我们成为美国新闻 & 世界报告“最佳价值”学校-我们也准备好成为你的最佳价值.
Undergraduate - NY Resident 2024-25
我们的平均助学金大大降低了入学成本. 纽约州居民有资格在某些项目上享受折扣.
纽约州居民在校住宿的估计费用 | Liberal Arts & 科学,商业,表演艺术,工程-机械,可再生能源,待定 | Art & 设计,工程-生物材料,陶瓷,玻璃,材料科学 |
Tuition* |
$40,180 |
$23,430 |
Required Fees |
$1,320 |
$1,320 |
Living Expenses: Housing and Food** |
$15,380 |
$15,380 |
书籍、课程材料、用品和设备*** |
$1,300 |
$1,300 |
Transportation |
$1,000 |
$1,000 |
Personal |
$1,900 |
$1,900 |
Average Federal Loan Fees |
$72 |
$72 |
总估计出勤费用(秋季和春季) |
$61,152 |
$44,402 |
*Tuition is based on an academic year.
**出勤成本估算表中的金额是联邦政府关于大学如何计算公布成本估算的指导的结果. 你为食物和住房支付的实际价格将由你选择的住房和膳食计划决定.
***Art & 设计专业的学生将额外支付20美元的木材店费用,并应承担大约450美元的额外书籍和用品费用.
纽约州居民的学杂费 | Liberal Arts & 科学,商业,表演艺术,工程-机械,可再生能源,待定 | Art & 设计,工程-生物材料,陶瓷,玻璃,材料科学 |
Tuition* |
$40,180 |
$23,430 |
Full Time Student Service Fee** |
$1,320 |
$1,320 |
Total Tuition and Fees (Fall & Spring) |
$41,500 |
$24,750 |
**全日制学生服务费适用于在在线赌博全日制注册的学生. Part-time tuition rates (<12 credits per semester) for 2024-25 are charged per credit hour and there is a part-time student service fee of $120 per semester.
纽约州居民的住房费用 | Amount |
On Campus* | $7,626 |
Off Campus (not with parents)** | $9,150 |
Commuter (with parent/family member) | Not Applicable |
*预算中的住房费用反映了上一个援助年度所有学生的平均费用. 大多数一年级学生住在传统风格的学生宿舍双人间. 单人房的数量有限.
纽约州居民的食物计划费用 | King Alfred Plan | Gold Plan** | Purple Plan | Black Knight Plan | Commuter 90 Block | Commuter 50 Block |
Meal Swipes | Unlimited | 12/week | 10/week | 3/week | 90/semester | 50/semester |
Dining Dollars* | $75 | $250 | $300 | $800 | $100 | $175 |
Guest Meals (Semester) | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 0 | 0 |
Total Cost (Fall & Spring) | $7,730 | $7,510 | $7,280 | $6,280 | $3,060 | $2,930 |
*在AVI Fresh门店和校园内的部分自动售货机上,用餐美元可以像现金一样使用. 用餐费只需要购买一份饮食计划,从秋季学期到春季学期都可以使用, 但在每学年的毕业典礼日到期,无论余额如何. 可额外购买餐费.
请注意,上述“出席总费用”表中列出的个人费用估计仅作为指导. 我们强烈建议学生对个人支出进行自己的分析,因为个人需求和情况可能因生活方式而有很大差异, residence status, mode of transportation, healthcare, clothing and personal care needs, etc.
我们的平均助学金大大降低了入学成本. 纽约州居民有资格在某些项目上享受折扣.
非纽约州居民在校住宿的估计费用 | Liberal Arts & 科学,商业,表演艺术,工程-机械,可再生能源,待定 | Art & 设计,工程-生物材料,陶瓷,玻璃,材料科学 |
Tuition* |
$40,180 |
$40,180 |
Required Fees |
$1,320 |
$1,320 |
Living Expenses: Housing and Food** |
$15,380 |
$15,380 |
书籍、课程材料、用品和设备*** |
$1,300 |
$1,300 |
Transportation |
$1,000 |
$1,000 |
Personal |
$1,900 |
$1,900 |
Average Federal Loan Fees |
$72 |
$72 |
总估计出勤费用(秋季和春季) |
$61,152 |
$61,152 |
*Tuition is based on an academic year.
**出勤成本估算表中的金额是联邦政府关于大学如何计算公布成本估算的指导的结果. 你为食物和住房支付的实际价格将由你选择的住房和膳食计划决定.
***Art & 设计专业的学生将额外支付20美元的木材店费用,并应承担大约450美元的额外书籍和用品费用.
非纽约州居民的学杂费 | Liberal Arts & 科学,商业,表演艺术,工程-机械,可再生能源,待定 | Art & 设计,工程-生物材料,陶瓷,玻璃,材料科学 |
Tuition* |
$40,180 |
$40,180 |
Full Time Student Service Fee** |
$1,320 |
$1,320 |
Total Tuition and Fees (Fall & Spring) |
$41,500 |
$41,500 |
**全日制学生服务费适用于在在线赌博全日制注册的学生. Part-time tuition rates (<12 credits per semester) for 2024-25 are charged per credit hour and there is a part-time student service fee of $120 per semester.
非纽约州居民的住房费用 | Amount |
On Campus* | $7,626 |
Off Campus (not with parents)** | $9,150 |
Commuter (with parent/family member) | Not Applicable |
*预算中的住房费用反映了上一个援助年度所有学生的平均费用. 大多数一年级学生住在传统风格的学生宿舍双人间. 单人房的数量有限.
纽约州居民的食物计划费用 | King Alfred Plan | Gold Plan** | Purple Plan | Black Knight Plan | Commuter 90 Block | Commuter 50 Block |
Food Swipes per week (Ade) | Unlimited | 10 | 8 | 3 | 0 | 0 |
Saxon Swipes | 15 | 60 | 45 | 30 | 90 | 50 |
Dining Dollars* | $50 | $200 | $250 | $575 | $100 | $175 |
Total Cost (Fall & Spring) | $7,730 | $7,510 | $7,280 | $6,280 | $3,060 | $2,930 |
*在AVI Fresh门店和校园内的部分自动售货机上,用餐美元可以像现金一样使用. 用餐费只需要购买一份饮食计划,从秋季学期到春季学期都可以使用, 但在每学年的毕业典礼日到期,无论余额如何. 可额外购买餐费.
请注意,上述“出席总费用”表中列出的个人费用估计仅作为指导. 我们强烈建议学生对个人支出进行自己的分析,因为个人需求和情况可能因生活方式而有很大差异, residence status, mode of transportation, healthcare, clothing and personal care needs, etc.
Graduate - 2024-25
我们的平均助学金大大降低了入学成本. 全日制学生有资格参加研究, 由学术部门颁发的教学或普通研究生助教奖学金. 部门助理职位不需要单独申请. 在校研究生可能对住宿生活工作感兴趣, Athletics, 或学生经历,以满足他们的助教任务. 这些非学术奖学金需要额外的申请.
Costs for Graduate Student | Master of Arts/Certificate of Advanced Study and Doctor of Psychology in School Psychology; Master of Science in Education/Certificate of Advanced Study in Counseling; and Master's Degree in College of Student Development | Master of Business Administration | Master of Fine Arts***; Master of Science in Engineering; and Doctor of Philosophy in Ceramics, Glass Science, or Materials Science and Engineering |
Tuition* |
$20,160 |
$43,540 |
$25,800 |
Required Fees |
$1,320 |
$1,320 |
$1,320 |
Living Expenses: Housing and Food** |
$11,950 |
$11,950 |
$11,950 |
书籍、课程材料、用品和设备*** |
$1,750 |
$1,750 |
$1,750 |
Transportation |
$1,000 |
$1,000 |
$1,000 |
Personal |
$1,900 |
$1,900 |
$1,900 |
Average Federal Loan Fees |
$140 |
$140 |
$140 |
总估计出勤费用(秋季和春季) |
$38,220 |
$61,150 |
$43,510 |