

If you are looking for a community where you can develop a unique perspective through critical independent thinking...

  • A place where the exchange of ideas 和 intellectual insights extend beyond the classroom,
  • 一个非常有个性的地方, 古怪的, 有趣的, 兼收并蓄的个性可以相遇, 讨论, 和学习, 和
  • 一个思想和想象力被认真对待的地方,



Alfred University's 荣誉项目 aims to enrich your undergraduate education by providing seminars that give you the chance to explore ideas, 主题, 文化, 在你正常的学术范围之外. Without conflicting with the courses required for your major or minor, 我们的节目可以让你呼吸, 玩得开心, 和 explore the new 和 unusual with others who are as excited as you are about enriching their collegiate experience.


荣誉课程非常朴实无华. These are people who know not to take life too seriously, yet who take their studies seriously. 多么伟大的前景啊. - 杰伊·韦斯伯格



In our honors seminars, students have explored chaos theory, bioethics, 和 popular 文化. They have written children's books, studied Harry Potter, 讨论ed 《在线赌博》《在线赌博》他们学会了如何制作自己的枫糖浆. 他们甚至为僵尸末日做了准备!

最重要的是, our program offers students the opportunity to grow 和 enhance their education with a unique twist that makes it both intriguing 和 challenging. That's why we say our 荣誉项目 is "认真玩" -- it's that something extra you get with an AU education.

查看我们的2023荣誉计划官方通讯: 的敬语!

DO NOT PASS GO AND DO NOT PLAY MONOPOLY: What we can learn through board games – Likin Simon Romero
In this class, we will see how to use board games as a pedagogical tool. 每节课都将围绕一个主题(历史)展开, 经济学, 自然科学, 社会正义, 道德与伦理, 等). The students will play a game in class whose theme matches the corresponding subject. They will be asked to fill a short questionnaire about the board game that they played 和 its theme. 作为最终项目, 学生将选择一个主题和一个棋盘游戏, 然后制作辅助材料(如小册子), 参考卡片, 图片, audio, 调查问卷, 等.) that could be used in a classroom setting to teach the chosen topic. 注意:本次研讨会时间为6:20-8:10.

The entire universe--all of time 和 all of space--where do you want to go? 在本次研讨会中,我们将回顾《在线赌博》60年的历史. 我们来看看塔迪斯是如何工作的, both as a time machine 和 a spaceship; the companions over the years, 和 how they have changed over time; aliens 和 other opponents the Doctor has faced; as well as 主题 such as mythological influences 和 gender. Weekly assignments include watching an episode or two 和 some reading; we’ll also gather to watch the 60th anniversary special in November. Students will give a final presentation on an analytical or creative topic of their choice.

This seminar will explore the recent revitalization of film photography through social media trends 和 pop 文化 uses. Students will get a h和s-on approach in all aspects of shooting film. 从各种库存的黑色 & white to color film, we’ll cover a variety of methods surrounding analogue photography. Students will also get h和s-on time with the dark room for developing their own film 和 creating their photos. 将提供相机以及材料和实验室使用. 欢迎各种背景和经验水平的学生.

From The Clash to Kendrick: The Art of Protest Music – Robert Reginio
The 英语 punk b和 The Clash put it this way: “Let fury have the hour/Anger can be power/If you know that you can use it.” In this seminar we will explore music that attempts to put anger to use. We will look at specific touchstone political crises for punk artists who felt compelled to create in the face of injustice, 愤怒, 和压迫. We will then trace the rise of hip-hop as informed by a strong tradition of protest culminating in hip-hop music of the Trump era. 最终,我们会问:是什么造就了好的政治音乐? 政治艺术能成为好艺术吗? what happens when revolutionary 文化 is co-opted, packaged, 和 sold? We will trace two lines in the development of protest music: that of punk 和 post-punk 和 that of hip-hop. 这门课的作业? We will create 和 DJ a radio show to be broadcast on WALF utilizing the new Media Lab exploring the music of protest from the 1970s to today. 朋克和后朋克艺术家可能包括:碰撞乐队, 四人帮, 小威胁, 帕蒂·史密斯, 和Fugazi. 我们要听的嘻哈歌手和专辑是:公敌, NWA的《冲出康普顿, 杀手迈克, Dead Prez, Erykah Badu的New Amerykah专辑, 无名氏住在33号房, Kendrick Lamar的Mr. 士气和大台阶. 本课程建议的补充内容非常受欢迎!

本课程探讨烹饪、风味和营养的科学. 我们每个人都将承诺记录下每顿饭(早餐), 午餐, 晚餐, 和零食)至少每周一次在课堂上讨论. 讨论点包括它是如何准备的, 味道如何?, 以及它的营养和热量含量. When the meal is self-prepared, a detailed recipe will also be 讨论ed. 我们至少一起准备一顿饭. The chemical 和 physical changes that occur during cooking will be 讨论ed. 将有一次正式的书面作业, 关于一种随机指定的国际或地区食物的学期论文. 不需要事先具备化学知识.

在本课程中, 我们将研究宗教的影响, 文化, 以及历史上关于怪物的科学研究. 我们将看看我们如何应对怪物的出现, whether in the form of alpha predators or other creatures stemming from folklore or reality. Monster-related 主题 such as genetic engineering, artificial intelligence, epidemics, & 入侵物种将被分析. We'll also focus on the scariest monsters in today's society – HUMANS. 通过小组演讲, 设计我们自己的怪物, 还有一场团队问答决赛, 除了共享日志条目, 我们将讨论种族主义, 反移民, 和 nuclear fears are expressed through monsters’ portrayal in literature 和 the media. 我们会讲到恐惧心理学, hopefully partaking in Halloween traditions ranging from pumpkin carving 和 haunted houses & 可能是幽灵之旅.

The Science 和 历史 of Alcohol – Garret McGowan 和 Chris Romanchock
用药物, 作为营养的来源, 在崇拜和宗教方面, 作为一种社会润滑剂, alcohol (ethanol) has been used by people from the earliest times to present. It was likely by a fortuitous accident tens of thous和s of years ago that it came into human 文化, 在被少数酒徒虐待的时候, 大多数人从消费中获得快乐. 在本课程中, the history 和 science of ethanol will be examined. A combination of laboratory exercises 和 lectures will comprise this course, 可能包括但不限于“自制啤酒”,啤酒/葡萄酒/烈酒的分析, 实地考察葡萄园和邀请演讲嘉宾访问.